ARAB REJECTION OF ISRAEL! Shalom Partner and Friend of The PLO had declared, “The struggle with the Zionist enemy (meaning There is a JOKE that illustrates the absurdity of it all… “The Prime Minister of Israel sits down with Mahmoud Abbas at the beginning of negotiations regarding the resolution of the conflict. The Prime Minister requests that he be allowed to begin the meeting with a story. Abbas replies, “Of course.” The Prime Minister begins his story: “Years before the Israelites came to the Promised Land and settled here, Moses led them for 40 years through the desert. The Israelites began complaining that they were thirsty and, lo and behold, a miracle occurred and a stream appeared before them. They drank their fill and then decided to take advantage of the stream to do some bathing ~ including Moses. When Moses came out of the water, he found that all his clothing was missing. “Who took my clothes?” Moses asked those around him. “It was the Palestinians,” replied the Israelites. “Wait a minute” Abbas exclaimed and immediately stood up and loudly objected… “That is absurd! How can you blame this on them? There were NO Palestinians during the time of Moses!” “All right,” replied the Prime Minister, “Now that we've got that settled, let's begin our negotiations!” Unfortunately it is NOT so evident… The Palestinians and Muslims all insist there can be NO Jewish State among the Islamic states. This little piece of real state the size of the The one true God, Yahweh, has said in Psalm 129:5: “Let all those who hate The history of the Arab-Israeli conflict reveals 24 major events when compromise was offered since the 1920s, dating from pre-state, League of Nations Mandate to the present time. Plan after plan, including patently pro-Arab proposals, were put on the table. Since the 1993 Oslo Accords, 15 agreements and memorandums have been signed. Let’s briefly examine some of these agreements and Arab response or compliance in each case. Arab claims that the Israeli “Occupation” prevents peace is nothing more than a red herring. It is not “The Occupation” that Arabs reject; it is “They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, so that the name What prevents achieving ‘peace’ is the Arab’s rejecting At the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict is the Arab world's refusal to accept a non-Muslim political entity in the Measures designed to destroy For almost 100 years, Palestinian behaviour has been based on political violence and rejection of the State of Arabs have rejected the presence of Jews with political aspirations to rebuild their Ancient Biblical homeland since the beginning of political Zionism. When in 1891 the number of Jewish immigrants leaving the country equalled the number of new arrivals, and nine years of Zionist endeavour, had produced barely a dozen struggling and insolvent Jewish agricultural settlements. Arab leaders from At each occasion when attempts to reach a ‘live-and-let-live’ solution have been reached, Arab responses have boiled down to a two-pronged offensive that dovetails diplomacy with violence. In short, the Arabs, and particularly the Palestinians, have refused to recognize We must remember that the reason for “You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD,”… “And My servant whom I have chosen”... “And what nation on the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do a great thing for You and awesome things for Your land ...” (Isaiah 43.10; 2 Samuel 7:23) A hidden movement… illegal Arab Immigration! Why was illegal Arab immigration dismissed as insignificant or as “about 1 percent of the population?” One must pause here to question – how could a condition as chronic and serious in its implications as the artificial inflation of (existing) Arab population by Arab immigration into Jewish areas of Western Palestine in the early 1900’s remain unchallenged and unrecorded by the British Mandatory Government? Here are some facts taken from the archives of the public record offices in “It is agreed that refugees who would appear to be Syrian, Lebanese or Palestinian by nationality may be admitted into “Many Damascene (people from In an Immigration Memo, “Druze’s who are in Charges were also dismissed against illegal immigrants on the grounds that they had friends in These are just a few of the many documented HIDDEN illegal Arab immigrant facts. For the fear of offending Arab leaders the immigrants were apparently provided the loophole and the “official” fraudulent means to prevent their deportation as illegal immigrants. “Such Arab entrance will quickly satisfy demands for additional labour… and will thereby virtually leave no room in the labour category for Jewish immigrants from outside for 1920 - The year Arabs discovered “ The idea of an Arab state resting between the Muslim distaste for the very notion of 1917 Balfour Declaration… The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Arthur Balfour, wrote to Lord Rothschild: “His Majesty's Government views with favour the establishment in Arab Response…Rejection and Violence! In the springs of 1920 and 1921, the Arabs instigated anti-Jewish riots in cities where both Arabs and Jews lived. Attacks were also launched on Jewish settlements in the countryside, leading to 13 deaths in 1920. Another 47 Jews were killed and 140 wounded in settlements and Jewish neighbourhoods the following year. 1922 Churchill White Paper… The Arabs continued their demand that Jewish immigration cease, despite records, which show that in 1922 there were only 80,000 Jews in the entire country. Seeking to appease the Arabs, the British partitioned the Palestine Mandate: Jews were prohibited from settling in 77 percent of Mandate This split was viewed as the “definitive Palestinian Settlement,” with Transjordan as ‘the Arab National Home,' parallel to the Jewish National Home on the West Bank of the Jordan River all the way to the Mediterranean Sea (from the river to the sea). Arab Response…Rejection and Violence! In 1929, Arab mobs again attacked Jews throughout Mandate Palestine, reacting to fear mongering instigated by the Supreme Moslem Council. The wave of violence known as the 1929 Disturbances left 135 dead and included the massacre of 70 non-Zionist religious Jews who lived in 1930 Passfield White Paper… The Passfield White Paper was based on the 1929 - 30 Shaw Commission of Inquiry and the 1930 Hope-Simpson Report after investigatory committees on land use sought a formula to lesson tensions between Arabs and Jews. The document called for renewed attempts to establish a joint Jewish-Arab legislative council that would automatically give the Arab majority over the Jews. British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald however never accepted Passfield’s recommendations! The idea of a shared stewardship of Violence: The 1936-1939 Arab Revolt, a three-year period of violence that targeted Jews and the British, was marked by murder, destruction of public infrastructure and Jewish property, and attacks on settlements. Eighty Jews lost their lives in the first stage of the revolt. Parallel to rejecting a generous pro-Arab plan, Palestinian Arabs resumed the Arab Revolt. They stepped up attacks on Jews, and targeted moderate Arab brethren who were open to compromise. The revolt left 415 Jews dead. An estimate 25 percent of the Arabs who lost their lives in the revolt were killed by their own brethren; the Palestinian Arabs. The moving force behind the Arab High Committee was the Mufti of Jerusalem. The supreme religious leader of the Palestinian Muslim community, Hajj Amin al-Husseini was an ardent Arab nationalist and anti-Zionist and financially backed by Nazi Germany. The Arabs denied asylum to desperate Jewish escapees from Hitler’s hell. Thereby they doomed these refugees to death. The blood of numerous Holocaust victims indelibly stains Arab hands… But that’s not all… Husseini, in the role of pan-Arab prime minister, spent the war years in What is the Lord’s perspective of all of these events…? God is angry at the nations. Whose Land is it that the world powers are now pressuring To whom does the Land belong? The Arabs…? NO! The Land belongs to God and He gave it to the children of Jews cheered the patchy territorial crazy-quilt they were accorded, existentially untenable though it was, and proceeded to meet all UN prerequisites for independence. The Arabs vehemently rejected the offer of a Palestinian state and, in utter defiance of the UN, set out to destroy the embryonic Jewish state rather than construct one of their own. The war that the entire Arab world launched against newborn There is NO Two-State Solution…! In the 1940s and ’50s, it didn’t even exist. There were no Palestinians then, although the territory had been called the British Mandate for Then as now, the Arab world was unified against After their major military defeat in 1967, Arab rulers finally faced up to these realities, grasped their implications, and re-thought their war strategy. They realized then that, to win, they had to first attack with "Taqqiya," not tanks. What is Taqqiya? Lies to deceive the enemy into making himself vulnerable — is an honoured Arab weapon, one that Arab states have wielded for centuries, and they are quite skilled at it. They saw that before attacking Israel again, they had to first win what we call a propaganda war, in order to discredit Israel… strip away her allies, and apply enough diplomatic pressure to wring from her a mounting series of concessions that would, in the end, render the Jewish state indefensible. For a propaganda war like that, enlisting the aid of non-Arabs was critical, and the old Arab rallying cry — "Join your Arab brothers in driving the Jews into the sea" — was not helpful for that purpose. Neither was the image of 22 Arab states — with some 300 million people, millions of square miles of sparsely populated land, and vast amounts of oil wealth — ganging up on a few million Jews, who were clinging to a resource-poor strip of seacoast about half the size of the small ‘Ancient State of Israel.’ Arab kings and dictators saw that they needed a small artificial victim group to champion, in order to compete with the all-too-real victim image of the Jews, so they invented one… picking up the name the British had used "Palestine" to conjure up a new Arab people — the Palestinians and of course, to demand a "23rd Arab state" for them. They did this suddenly and in virtual unison, catching by surprise many Arabs in Today, it is painfully obvious to almost everyone that real peace – an end to continual hatred, incitement, rocket and terrorist attacks, and threats of war of annihilation down the road – is further away now than ever. It is equally obvious that the At this very moment as we write this article, the Muslim Brotherhood has taken over the control of A Jewish State in Biblical It is time for the Body of Christ and for the West to convince the Muslim supremacists that theirs is a loosing strategy. We need to lift our heads with pride and encourage our Israeli brothers to do the same. We must end the mindless repetition of enemy propaganda about "occupied land," and encourage our Israeli brothers to claim the WHOLE Biblical Israel, claiming the birthplace of both Judaism and Christianity as rightfully theirs to do so, and back them up with our full might! If it hadn't been for Elohim's CHOSEN being scattered into the nations (Ezekiel 36:19) who were ultimately referred to as "Jews," YHWH (Yahweh) and His Son Yeshua (Jesus) would have remained the best-kept secret of tiny, little Israel, and the rest of the world would still be writhing in Paganism. One cannot condemn those Jews who are not yet Believers in the Messiah Yeshua because God hasn't opened their spiritual eyes, yet. No tribe or race in history has remained a distinct people group outside of a national homeland for thousands of years like the Jewish people. No people on earth have ever been repatriated after dozens of generations had forgotten their distinct language. No people, that is, except for Yahweh's people. The Land belongs to Yahweh's Chosen People. God gave the Land to Abraham and his descendants in Genesis 15:18-19. Abraham bought a large burial site at We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information. With Shalom to you and your family always, Alf & Julie Saunders Click on the PAYPAL logo above This can be done SECURELY through PAYPAL on our Donations page where you will find the list of ministries where you can be a blessing to. Thank you for your love and support for God's chosen people (Ruth 2:12). 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