Born ~ ‘for a time such as this!’

Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel,

Have you ever wondered why you were born in these Last Days?

Certainly, we could all have been born in any time over the past Centuries …BUT God chose this time in history for ALL of us. And yes, when we think of what we are facing today in a world that has turned so immoral and where sin abounds …then it’s natural that our thoughts turn to our children, grand-children, and family and we tend to feel sorry for them and in fact FEAR the future!  But we must NOT fear as God created us and them for this exact moment in time and it is NOT by coincidence or an accident! In fact, in the Hebrew language there are NO coincidences.

However, we have a duty to know the God of Israel and the Bible - Yeshua our Lord, and Saviour, and Power of the Holy Spirit… We are to raise our children to walk in love know the power of Almighty God as He is our Heavenly Abba, Father. We must in every circumstance know that our Lord God is in control! And NOT to become disheartened by the state of the world today. Every person in History has been placed in their time and generation because of God’s sovereign plan. Here are some examples: Daniel could handle the "lion’s den"… just as David could "slay Goliath." The Apostle Peter could handle "persecution" …and Queen Esther could handle Haman and save her Nation and Jews from annihilation! You see, God is raising up an army in this End-time Generation to drive back the world’s darkness and usher in the Reign of our Messiah, Yeshua …and we are privileged to be a part of this and we too are like Esther were "born for a time such as this!"

We need to remember the words of Mordecai to Esther; "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" - Esther 4:13-14. Certainly, with God NOTHING is a coincidence! Right now, He is looking for people who WILL be brave enough to stand in the gap and speak up on behalf of His Covenant people - Israel. He knows each and every one of us intimately; He knows our weaknesses, strengths, sufferings and also what we have the potential to do. God is in perfect control of this Universe and sees every one of us NOT just as mere mortals …but as ETERNAL beings with great potential to accomplish the impossible and like Esther we have the opportunity to either reject or accept our assignments. We also have the opportunity to say NO to evil Government plans!

Esther was a type of deliverer and a foreshadowing of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) who would deliver us from death…  And, as believers in Messiah, Yeshua, Scripture tells us that; "we too have been chosen" by our Abba Father before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). For what have we been chosen in this Last Generation? We are chosen to be sons and daughters of the Almighty (Ephesians 1) in order to bring glory to Him through our acts of obedience and good works (Ephesians 2:10). Just as Esther was chosen to glorify God through her obedience and to save her Nation and people – Israel from annihilation …so are we chosen to glorify God through obedience for His purposes today …and to stand with ISRAEL and God’s chosen people!

It is becoming increasingly dangerous and even costly to follow Yeshua (Jesus Christ) OR to even stand with ISRAEL in these Last Days and this Age… Believers in many parts of the world are literally paying with their lives and for those of us living in less dangerous places, we risk our jobs, our livelihoods, our families, and friends for the sake of the Gospel of Christ. Yet is this not part of our calling as children of God? Yeshua promised that we would endure "trials and tribulation" for His Namesake. The question is whether we will respond with willing, bold hearts, or cower in fear, even to the point of denying Him?

BUT, here’s a question? Do we the true Church of Bible-believing Judeo-Christian believers in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) know what time it is? "…the sons of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel, should do." - 1 Chronicles 12:32. They were people who saw with Prophetic vision and responded with action! The sons of Issachar had analysed their "times" and had perceived correctly what those "times" were all about. They knew what to do because they understood what was happening! They knew what Israel ought to do …and became part of David’s Army to elevate him to the throne of Israel. By reading; Chronicles 12 the entire chapter we see that many of Saul’s fighting men discerned "the times" …and knew it was David’s time to be King and consequently left Saul. By NOT looking to the natural realm, they were able to forsake the palace with Saul for a cave with David! Take note of the fact that many of those who did NOT discern the times and remained with Saul died! Also take note of the fact that even though Jonathan, Saul’s son knew it to be David’s time, his family ties to his father cost him his life too! So, they too lived in difficult times.

Winston Churchill called WW II the "Unnecessary War" - because he said that ‘IF’ the world had taken Hitler seriously in the beginning when he made his outrageous claims …they could fairly easy have stopped him before he was able to launch the war which killed 50 million people and 6 million Jews! It must also be remembered that since the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 - Iran has spear-headed a different Islamic agenda that today has reached boiling point as their aim was always since Ancient times; "to wipe out the State of Israel!" What the Arab world practiced in the four previous, different wars, that they lost against Israel from the very beginning Iran (Persia) boldly declared that the reason the Arab world had lost all of these wars was because they did not serve their god Allah wholeheartedly. They also said that it …will take patience and a long-term strategy to defeat Israel. Right now, there is a spiritual and military showdown taking place between little tiny Israel and Iran. It is the Prince of Persia rallying their worldwide forces of radical fundamental Islamic Nations and together with China and Russia WILL soon come against God's chosen nation – Israel in the Ezekiel 38 WAR!

The Lord rebuked them for NOT knowing the future! Yet  We are a privileged generation as we have God’s Written Word and have NO excuse! Not only did Yeshua (Jesus) speak many times about the future, but He also reprimanded and rebuked the people of His day 2,000 years ago because they didn’t seem to recognize that important Prophesied events were taking place all around them. He once scolded members of a crowd, saying that while they could "read the clouds and tell them when it was going to rain" and although they could look at the wind blowing through their fields and decide when hot weather was approaching …somehow, they were unable to read the "signs of the times!" And, so He reprimanded them; "Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth, but how is it you do not discern this time!" – Luke 12:56.

It was NO small thing to Yeshua (Jesus) that the people of that generation remained ignorant of God’s Prophetic Word. He expected them to be able to open their eyes and recognize their Messiah, look around, and put two and two together …BUT the Lord found that they hadn’t learnt their numbers! What does this mean for our time? What does this mean for us? For one thing, if someone comes to us and says; "I’m not really interested in Prophecy. I’m not interested in all of this future stuff." We should read Luke 12:56 to them and then point out how Yeshua used the word "Hypocrite!" to describe a person who attaches more significance to predictions of the weather (Climate Change/Global warming is a good example) rather than to the Word of God.

That is why it is so key that we understand both Israel’s promises and Covenants of God. Israel’s story is also part of God’s story for the Nations... God’s plan began with Abraham way back in Genesis for His desire to save the Nations. So too, must we understand Christ’s Promise to the Church and how it also sets the stage for End-Time events. The Bible describes what the fulfilment of these Prophetic promises looks like and that helps us to understand the End-Time Church what role it plays in "God’s Redemptive plan."

Israel – the Church and the Nations…The Nations were NOT just an after-thought to God just as the salvation of the Gentiles was NOT God’s “new idea” after Israel failed in her Covenant calling. God made His promises to Abraham in order to save the nations! Just as the New Testament is NOT the end of Israel’s story, it is also not the beginning of the story of the Nations. The Nations CANNOT receive the knowledge of God and Salvation apart from God’s work through Israel. God’s plan to fulfil Abraham’s promises includes fulfilling distinct promises to Israel …BUT it also involves bringing Jew and Gentile together in one body. Because Israel and the Gentiles are one family in Yeshua (Jesus), it means we WILL receive the promises made to us together, as a family, at the same time. The End-Time Church is God’s fulfilment of the promise made to Abraham about the Nations. To understand what the fulfilment of that promises looks like, we need to see what the Bible says about the End-Time Church (Psalm 2:6-8; 67:1-5; 86:9; 96:1-3 Isaiah 42:1, 45:22, 49:6; Zechariah 2:10-11; Malachi 1:11).

The Bible instructs us to always “to be looking and longing for the day of Christ’s Return… NOT with wild eyed speculations field by our own calculations but with sober and “Spirit lead discernment!” What else would the Bible mean when it says, “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the banner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:24-35. How can we, “see the day approaching” if we aren’t looking for it? We are to investigate what the Bible has to say and ask God to help us to determine the day and the hour in which we are living!

Abba Father Yahweh god wants to give His Son Yeshua (Jesus) a bride which is His Church from ALL the Nations of the world as a reward for His suffering… because He is a good Father and this reveals a lot about the End-Time Church. The End of the Age is the time when the Church will be mature and ready to be joined with Him forever. This is why Yeshua (Jesus) Second Coming is compared to “a great wedding celebration.” Our Lord is NOT returning for “a bride” (Church) that is barely surviving. He is returning for a mature Church that the powers of hell cannot overcome (Matthew 16:18). All of this is part of what it means for the Nations to be blessed.

We have far underestimated the GLORY that God is going to put on the Church… The Bible even promises when we see Him, we will be like Him! (Philippians 3:21; 1 John 3:2) Our God is a God of the second chance. The Bible promises that a "mature Church" WILL someday soon emerge. The Church consists of both Jew and Gentile so this is a promise for ALL people group and has profound implications for Israel and the Church in the Nations. The Old Testament predicts that a day would come when ALL Israel is saved. The New Testament expands that promise and predicts that Yeshua (Jesus) will have a people …both His brethren the Jews …and Gentiles who are mature at His Return! The End-Time Church is unoffended and deeply loyal to Yeshua and living with "great anticipation" of His soon Return (Revelation 12:11, 15:2-4).

We cannot remain ignorant of "the signs of the times" simply because thoughts of the future may make us uncomfortable! We just have to look at what is happening especially with the WAR in Israel as God’s Nation is being attacked from all sides and Antisemitism from around the world is unthinkable in our generation! How things have changed just over the past few years let alone a decade ago!

God is speaking to the Nations BUT are they listening? No, NOT really! And, is everyone in the Church seeing the End-time "signs" in front of their eyes? No, NOT everyone wants to see!

Whenever the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) speaks - He is always on target! He passed the Old Testament requirement that a TRUE Prophet be 100% accurate (Deuteronomy 18:22). God does not "grade on a curve" when it comes to Bible Prophecy and especially the Nation of Israel. Christ was accurate about His own "Death and Resurrection" and ALL His predictions are found all over the Gospels, BUT consider just this one in; Matthew 16:21, "From the time Jesus began to show to His Disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things and be killed, and be raised again on the third day." Think about it for a moment? Anyone could predict that Christ was going to die when they arrested Him …but NOBODY could predict that He would rise again after three days and three nights! Just as we read further our Lord declared it would be like Jonah; "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." - Matthew 12:40. We should listen to the Words of our Lord as He has predicted the FUTURE events of His Second Coming and that is a soon event that is absolutely on target! In the Rapture (Harpazo) Christ returns FOR Church and at the Second Coming He returns WITH them!

A Jewish Homeland had to be re-established in Israel in the Middle East and this happened in 1948. The central focus of "End-Time Events" is and will always be Jerusalem and Israel… Jews and Christians refer to it as the Holy Land BUT it is God’s Land and the Jews are His chosen people! It is here where it all BEGAN and will someday soon END! We read in Luke 21 a parallel chapter to Matthew 24. Notice Luke's account of Christ's Prophecy that answered the Disciples' questions; "Teacher when will these things be? And what sign will there be when these things are about to take place? And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?" ­- Luke: 21:7. In response, Yeshua showed that Jerusalem would be the central focus of the "political and "military" upheavals that would immediately "precede" His Return; "But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. For these are the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled," - Luke 7:20-22. Anyone living a Century ago or even just a few decades ago would have found these words nearly impossible to comprehend. Jerusalem in Ancient times had been fought over countless times, but for four centuries from 1517 the City had been at peace within the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire. Jews even lived there as a minority under Turkish rule. But this was going to change dramatically during the course of the 20th Century. It had to change for the fulfilment of Bible prophecy to take place and it happened on the 14th May, 1948!

How awesome is it to be able to be part of a generation able to witness all that the Prophets of Old and New Testaments could only image or write about? Truly, this is a chosen, privileged generation and people …especially sacred to true believers and Church – the BRIDE who wait anxiously for the Lord’s Return! You see, God’s plan coming to fulfilment today as Jew and Gentile believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are the "One New Man" in Messiah (Ephesians 2:15). We are inseparable and connected to our Hebraic Roots! We can read in Isaiah 56:1-7 that this is an End-Time Prophecy, for our Last Day and Age. What the Lord Yeshua is talking about here actually began with His ministry 2,000 years ago and was a signal that He was beginning something new. We are very close to the "times of the Gentiles" being fulfilled!


So, what has it to do with the 3rd Temple yet to be built in Jerusalem? Yes, it has to be built -.and it will be built - in our time and generation. We need to understand what is Prophesied to yet happen in the Middle East. Whether we realize it or not, or understand it or not, events there are destined to affect the lives of every person on earth!

Many tend to assume the End-Time Church will barely survive… but the Apostle John saw something complete different! He sees an enormous End-Time Church that can only be the result of a "great harvest" beyond anything we have seen so far in history. We don’t know how many people it will be, or what percentage of the earth’s population it will be but it is clearly substantial. As a point of comparison, in Revelation 9:16 - John described an army of 200 million so the fact that NO one can number this "multitude" means it is an incredibly large group of people. Not only does John see an enormous Church, he also records this Church comes from every Nation, Tribe, and Tongue.

That means the End-Time Harvest is going to be Global. When God brings His Promise to fulfilment, there will NOT be a single people group or Nation who are not represented   BUT this appears only AFTER the "Rapture" …and during the time of the Great Tribulation.

It's amazing how accurate Bible Prophecy is and how right on the mark God’s Word is... Friends, the whole stage is being set ready for the "final events" of Bible Prophecy. We need only look around at the lawlessness, corrupt World Leaders, anti-God false Liberal Leftist Media, Antisemitism on the rise and the lack of respect for human life! The world is desperately looking for someone to lead it, to bring about (false) "peace" and "stability." And, Satan (the dragon) is leading the world right into the arms of that "man of sin," and "'beast" of; Revelation 13 whom the world "wonder after" and will "worship" that 'beast' of Revelation 17 whom the "kings of the earth" will give their power and authority to. We as true believers in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus Christ) are to look up for our redemption are NEAR!

We are reminding ourselves again what did our Lord warn us about in the Last Days? Weather disasters, as they increase in frequency and intensity, are actually fulfilling Bible prophecy. They are among the "SIGNS" that Christ gave pointing to the END of this present (evil) Age and ALL leading up to His Return. In Matthew 24:7, Yeshua (Jesus) Prophesies "Famines, and Pestilences, and Earthquakes, in (different) places" will afflict the world. The world is being violently shaken by God as He is trying to get people’s attention! They are among the "signs" Christ gave of the Last Days of the world. We are NOW witnessing all these things happening at the same time signalling; End of Days! However, we the true Church know that it’s NOT the END but the "sign" of a NEW BEGINNING of "a beautiful NEW world" that we can hardly even imagine! In this world we WILL have tribulation but we are to be of good cheer as our Lord has overcome this and so will we!

We MUST be aware that Globalist Leaders in the Nations around the world especially cultivate a mind-set that rejects any kind of Biblical truth… as it causes "division," to what they believe they want to make happen. Not God’s plan but theirs! Globalism NWO - "One-World-Government" without borders are high on their agenda and anyone who speaks against it will be persecuted. They want to own everything including what belongs to God Almighty – our Creator! "Is this how you repay the LORD, O foolish and senseless people? Is He not your Father and Creator? Has He not made you and established you?" -  Deuteronomy 32:6. The Bible warns us of the nature of the Antichrist… and we can see this army of Antichrist "forming" in our times and it WILL only get worse! And what causes division? Biblical truth! Yeshua (Jesus) said Himself that He didn't come to bring SHALOM "peace," but a 'sword' (Matthew 10:34). A sword that divides! And, why does the TRUTH divide? Because, the kingdom of Satan is against the Kingdom of God! And, sadly, the majority in this world are part of Satan's kingdom. So, when we preach Biblical TRUTH, it causes division! The laws of the world are about to get much more forceful against those of us who preach the truth!

While it is true that God has revealed Himself throughout history to men and even to kings, we must go on to make clear that God primarily revealed Himself to Abraham and to Israel. This is an important part of His special Revelation. The Scripture is clear that God didn’t just reveal himself indiscriminately to ALL people. This work took Centuries and God knew that only Abraham and his seed, Israel, would be able to carefully preserve this record of salvation (Genesis 18:19). The Scripture says that God has revealed His word to Jacob, His laws, and decrees to Israel. He has done this for NO other nation; they do not know His Laws (Psalm 147:19-20). So, it was God’s ETERNAL and "unchanging plan" to reveal Himself to and through Israel.

God’s Plan always revolves around Israel, even to this day and His Plan will ALWAYS focus on Israel… As Judea-Christians, we are "grafted into the house of Israel and into this ancient and timeless plan of God." (Romans 11:17). Did we ever wonder why Israel has so much trouble? It is because God is working out His Revelation and Salvation through that Nation even to this present moment AND will ultimately benefit ALL nations. The enemy of God knows this …and thus continues his age-old campaign to destroy Israel!

We most sincerely believe that God WILL bless you for your faithfulness and love for His land and chosen people. God’s Word is true! He IS watching to see how the Nations are treating His people. God will have mercy on Israel through Gentile believers acting as mediators towards them. This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church – an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to Israel and the Jewish people! Israel was and still is despised today and a despised Nation continually turning away from God …BUT nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that Nation. The "despised element" is always a noticeable element in the purpose of God. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that "despised Nation" (and just like Israel) He Himself was "…despised and rejected by men." And there is that despised element; "…things that are despised God has chosen," - 1 Corinthians 1:28.

We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information.

With Shalom to you and your family always,

Alf & Julie Saunders

01st September, 2024

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John Bunyan once said, "You have never lived successfully until you have done something for someone who can NEVER repay you!"

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