Prepare for Battle ahead!

Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel,

Almost immediately after the world’s celebration of 2025 (5785) New Year as the night skies lit up with fireworks nobody could even imagine the devastations soon to take place…  And neither can we even imagine what still lies ahead as our year is still very new. So many things have already happened in January! Recent events in the world are related to Bible Prophecy BUT as believers in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) we are NOT sure exactly how they are related or what will happen next …as only time can truly tell.

But first let’s look back at 2024 Here are some major events of particular Prophetic importance including: Israel’s spectacular victories over its terrorist enemy’s ALL proxies of Iran; Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria! Iran’s other proxy the Houthis of Yemen joined the fight against Israel and began to attack from the south, Red Sea. No one saw it coming; the fall of Assad of Syria carried out by fellow Islamists! It was the story that caught the world off guard, the one that even the most reliable forecasters hadn’t seen coming. It was a lightning-fast rebellion that ended the brutal reign of a dictator …but unfortunately for Israel Syria was captured by another group of evil terrorists; ISIS and Al-Queda who are not friends of Israel nor America nor Western Christian Nations.

Israel is NOW facing a “new era” of uncertainty that its neighbour Syria has fallen into the hands of rebels with ties to Turkey and certainly be played out in 2025! And, there is a concern that Iran could find a way to lash out even more after seeing its proxy terrorist armies of Hamas and Hezbollah destroyed by Israel …BUT this too is NOT over as the “peace deal” with the devil himself has been made to release only 33 hostages (some dead). This is why Israel may feel compelled to act again swiftly as rumours abound that Iran is close to completing a nuclear weapon that could be deployed against the Jewish State.

2024 saw the continuation of… the Russian war on Ukraine. The American Election as a newly-emboldened Donald Trump a true friend and ally of Israel was re-elected as US President again. BRICS expanded by adding 4 new members (enemies of Israel); Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the (UAE) United Arab Emirates. South Africa a BRICS member continues on with their unwarranted Lawfare at ICC/ICJ Courts, in the Hague against Israel and called for arrest of PM Bibi Netanyahu. The corrupt ANC party in South Africa received money from Iran for their party election …BUT thankfully lost their majority vote at the 2024 Election and now hold on to power only through GNU coalition parties. Antisemitism was substantially on the rise across the world. The Assassinations of Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist Leaders …and Operation “grim beeper” by Israel as hand-held pagers and walkie-talkies explode intended for Hezbollah and Syria terrorists. China announced a “mysterious” outbreak; metapneumovirus (HMPV) …and in America the (H5N1) Bird-flu outbreak. Technology saw breakthroughs as (AI) Artificial Intelligence advances. There were ‘Signs in the Heavens;’ X-Solar Eclipses; six stars, two planets, and the Moon aligning, Etc.

Israel’s dramatic and supernatural victories over Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, Syria and Iran during 2024… this happened in the face of significant regional and global opposition can only be explained by the Hand of Almighty God “supernaturally” protecting and “prospering” His people even in the face of great adversity and war!  God’s plans and purposes cannot be frustrated! Ironically, the un-ending attacks on Israel by its enemies have given the Israelis a new resolve to do whatever it takes to eliminate their them, ignoring the International and regional opposition, while demonstrating to the world their impressive military God-given capabilities and power.

The savage attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists on 7 October, 2023, on innocent Israelis and the subsequent attacks on Israel by Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iran, defy logic but have a clear spiritual explanation…. Satan is trying to prevent the coming of Christ’s Kingdom by killing the Jews and/or driving them out of their land – Israel. Satan does NOT want a "peace deal" that allows the State of Israel to continue to exist …or that allows Jews to continue to live in the Land of Israel. If Satan knows that if he could wipe out all the Jews, God’s Kingdom could NOT come.

Yeshua (Jesus) came to Reign as "King of the Jews," and His Kingdom (Acts 1:6; Matthew 2:2). Likewise, all the Bible’s Prophecies of the 7-Year Tribulation period reveal a focus on the Jewish people …and the land of Israel at the END of history. The Rapture could NOT happen and the Tribulation period could NOT begin WITHOUT a stable and strong Jewish State in the Land of Israel …and yes, there WILL be soon a rebuilt 3rd Jewish Temple. The Bible is our only source and NO man can stop it!

What comes next now that we are in 2025… Was a deal made with the devil himself? We believe that one cannot shake hands with Satan and be friends! The fact that the Jews are returning to Israel after 2,000 years is "a miracle" and God’s Eternal promise! The Bible clearly tells Israel NOT to join hands with Hamas in; Exodus 23:32-33; 34:12-17; You shall make NO covenant (deal) with them, nor with their gods….! The word "Hamas" is an Arabic acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement. It is NOT the same as the Hebrew word Hamas, which is translated as "violence" in the Old Testament. Don’t shake the hands of evil! Its even worse than that …it is shaking the hands of murderers that had slaughtered babies in their cribs, raped women, destroyed family members and now these are being released just like Sinwar was more emboldened to kill more Jews.

A current "deal" was made with Hamas with the backing of the USA for the release of 33 (out of 98) innocent civilian hostages held for 470 days (and still counting) in terrible inhumane conditions in tunnels underground in Gaza while Israel in return has to release 737 Hamas murderous, rapist Islamic terrorists …surely is a "deal with the Devil" as they won’t stop, they won’t repent – they will be right back killing Jews! Yes, it is good that 33 (some already dead) Israelis are released to their families …but it will come with a high cost later! "You were given the choice between war and dishonour. You chose dishonour, and you will have WAR!" - quote by; Winston Churchill to Neville Chamberlain in response to the Munich pact with Hitler signed in 1938 between; Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy.

If we don’t learn from History, we are going to repeat the same mistakes…

Remember that Sinwar (his name says it all) was a terrorist released by Israel in 2011 in exchange for Israeli hostage Gilad ShalitSin-war went on to say; “we need to take more hostages” after his release …and from prison to power he became a leader in Hamas who promoted “violence” against Israel. Sinwar was the brains and architect of 7 October, 2023 and behind the scenes he was scheming with Iran. What was the scheme? Sinwar said that it worked with him and so Hamas needs more Israeli hostages and more kidnappings. In the past EVIL manifested with the Hitler’s Nazi’s as they murdered 6,000 Jews …and today Hamas follows that same evil! You see with radical Islam the more horrific, pain inflicted on Jews the greater they see worship for their pagan god – Allah as they cry out “Allah Akbar” meaning that their “god is great” while they kill, maim, rape, etc? What God commands its people to kill, steal and destroy – only those who are controlled by Satan!

God truly has blessed America and Israel to have Pete Hegseth as part of Trump Administration… Pete has great understanding of Israel in the Bible and has said; I am a Christian and I robustly support the State of Israel!” And, in Hegseth’s confirmation hearing to be Secretary of Defence, he said that he supports; “Israel killing every last member of Hamas." To bow the knee to these Hamas terrorists is disastrous! It is a false “deal/covenant” as Israel could have destroyed evil while they were winning. There have been massive amounts of terrorist prisoners already released (at least 12,000 since 1985) and they have committed mass crimes against Israel. So much so that it took the lives of 2,750 Israel’s …that’s what statistics equate too …and so if Israel gives “a deal” and says they want these 33 hostages back – the math is that if you had to release 1,650 terrorists to save the lives of 33 these radical terrorists with blood on their hands released statistically will kill another 380 Israelis!

"Peace through strength" - Trump Administration has said! Most Israelis do NOT want the radical Islamist terrorists released! Biden and his Administration pushed for this deal to go through before he left office. Trump has said that; "all hell will break loose if they don’t release the hostages when he takes office!" Perhaps Trump was talking to Netanyahu at the time BUT why is this disastrous deal going through now because Israel is now being pressured by Trump to make "a deal" …only Israel have themselves to blame as they have to do what is best for Israel and God’s Land. Or is there another plan behind the scenes that we do not know of? Israel should learn from what took place under Biden when his administration had an "arms embargo" and then PM Netanyahu fought against this and Israel won.

As the Jihadists - Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis of Yemen, Iran, Palestinians, Gazans all celebrate this "deal" with "Firework" displays …and at the same time proclaim; "death to America, death to Israel and curse the Jews!" The world seems to think this is, okay? Something MUST be wrong with our society today! Did you know that Islamists train their children from very young to become "shahids" or in English "martyrs" for Allah and kill Jews! Western Nations have literally become victims to Islam as they submit to their plans against Israel!

The Bible is true to every word and defines "good and evil" – they will NOT win in their plans to destroy Israel. God is NOT happy with dividing His Land into a 2-State Solution! Our voices as true Bible believers realise that Israel belongs to God and that Jews rightfully own the Land.  Did you know that every time Israel was divided it was always been by an ally of Israel - the Bush Administration in 2003 forced Israel to give away Gaza and how did that work out? Sadly, it’s almost like ethnic cleansing of Jews from their land – Israel and giving it to jihadists! Let’s pray Hamas ruins the ceasefire deal and Israel wipes out evil! Perhaps there is a bigger plan ahead to irradicate Hamas and that Trump and Netanyahu have and it in hand for the year still ahead! God is Israel’s protector and so we must trust God and that He has the right people in the right place! Something BIG is still coming and its not over for Israel yet! Time will tell!

So, we once again ask ourselves are Biblical Prophecies unfolding more rapidly before our Eyes? Much has already happened in the first weeks of January 2025. The devastating FIRES ripped through Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Palisades and California beginning on 7 January and this shocked not only America but the world too.

Hollywood Celebrities and Elites mocked God at the Golden Globes, held in Beverley Hills, California on 06 January … only a few days later their Houses began to burn down? They openly proclaimed that California is a city that does NOT need God …so how did that turn out for them? Since 07 January, 2025 - Los Angeles had experienced its worst ever wildfires and with winds that continued with brutal uncontrollable flames as the water for the cities cut off and insurance companies had cancelled policies beforehand.

It is only in God, through studying His Word - the Bible, that we find TRUE wealth for an abundant and spiritually prosperous life… In the Bible, we discover that “prosperity” comes from the Lord …and learn that “health is wealth” and “wisdom” from God …and in this way we become true millionaires! NOT in “earthly possessions” BUT in “Eternal riches of Heaven.” “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also…” – Matthew 6:19-21.

When fire engulfs an entire state, consuming everything in its path, we are forced to ask; Was this just another natural disaster, or a sinister plan or is it something deeper happening? The devastating fires in California are absolutely a wake-up call for all of us too. These fires were record breaking and unrelenting …and especially for the many less fortunate truly heartbreaking! Could this also be a reflection of Biblical Prophecies, and Centuries-old warnings …that speak to the very times we are living in? Could it be that God simply was bringing a message that SIN can NO longer to be tolerated?

Think on this? The Bible is often dismissed as Ancient or irrelevant …BUT holds secrets and truths that remain as relevant today as ever… Within its pages are powerful messages about love, wealth, and the fleeting nature of material luxury. While society chases riches and glamour, the Word of God - reminds us that “life is fleeting” and more fragile than we imagine. Today, Hollywood is an example to the world NOT only how wealth, fame and riches can be acquired …BUT also to many wealthy movie stars of how riches and luxury homes can be lost in a moment. Are we seeing today the consequences of humanity's misplaced priorities? In the chaos of the burning California hills, there's a message …” a divine whisper” that demands our attention. But what is it saying? Are these flames a warning, a call to change, or a fulfilment of Ancient Prophecy? The answers may surprise us and challenge everything we thought we knew.

We will all face battles on three KEY fronts; Economic, Political and Spiritual! Even in times of financial and economic difficulty we as Judea-Christian believers remain grounded in God’s Word …AND we also do NOT stop being a blessing to God’s Land and people, Israel especially during these very difficult times where Israelis are facing war on every front! We know that God blesses us for staying faithful to Israel. The World may turn their backs upon Israel …BUT we at Pray4Zion will NOT! We have seen God’s amazing Hand of blessing even in lean times …He has NEVER forsaken us ever! We WILL continue to sow seeds of generosity; “Sow your seed right now and don’t stop. You do not know precisely what the future holds economically, but if you keep sowing, it means you’ll be in good shape regardless of what happens.” – Ecclesiastes 11:6. The battles ahead are real, but so is God’s provision and His love for Israel and us too! The Lord God is a man of WAR and He knows exactly how to strategize against and overcome every assault against His people and His TRUTH.”

The POLITICAL climate today of most World Leaders and power-hungry Politicians …and the behaviour of political parties who have long departed from the days of respectful disagreement, and have sunk into an ugly mess of intolerance and mudslinging! The Leaders of the World are controlled by Globalist Elites, WEF and UN 2030 Agenda …and NO longer care for the people or the Nations that they are paid to serve! Our hope and trust are in Almighty God who alone has the power to bring change or to remove wicked, self-serving World Leaders (Psalm 109:8). Psalm 2:4, reminds us that God laughs at the plans of those who oppose Him, declaring; “The one who sits in the heavens laughs… and He will ultimately have them in derision.

The Bride of Christ – the Church is in a new season of refining for rebirth and entering a fresh flow of the Spirit, and move of God unlike anything we’ve seen before BUT will face many battle challenges too. We are in days where we will NO longer tolerate “the snake” but we will crush him underfoot. “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” - Genesis 3:15. It’s NOT surprising that 2025 is also the Chinese “Year of the SNAKE!” The World Health Org. (WHO) Logo is a “SNAKE!”

Even after Trump’s inauguration 20 January, 2025 we will surely see WEF, UN and the WHO will continue to push their Globalist Agenda 2030 …with “digital IDs” for all of us and even including animals.

The very fact is that our breath of life comes from God… "Then the LORD God formed the human of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the human became a living creature." - Genesis 2:7. Rabbis and Bible scholars say the letters; “YHWH” represent breathing sounds or aspirated consonants. When pronounced without vowels, it sounds like breathing: YaH (inhale), WeH (exhale). A baby’s first cry, their first breath, speaks the Name of God and becomes a living SOUL! A deep sigh, groan, or gasp calls Yahweh (YHVH) God’s Name, too heavy for mere words. Even atheists speak God’s name, unaware that the breath in their lungs acknowledges God. Likewise, a person leaves this earth with their last breath when God’s name NO longer fills their lungs. When we can’t utter anything else, is our cry calling out His name?

Being alive means, we speak God’s Name often! Is it heard the loudest when we’re the quietest? In sadness, we breathe heavy sighs - In joy, our lungs feel like they will burst - In fear, we hold our breath and must breathe slow to help us calm down. When we’re about to do something hard, we take a deep breath to find our courage. Breathing gives God praise, even in the most challenging moments! This universal truth is beautiful and should fill us up knowing this too. God chose to give Himself a Name YHVH (Yahweh) that we can’t help but speak and breathe every moment that we are alive!

The earth and ALL of Creation cry out for the return of Yeshua (Jesus) - do we know it, can we see it, and do we believe it? “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us...” – Romans 8:18-23. Everyone will face difficulties and trials and especially if we are believers in Yeshua (Jesus). They say that you never really know the devil until you acknowledge God in your life. We also need to keep in mind that we are in the Last Days and that things are going to be and get more difficult now onwards …if it had not started yet. That means that things are certainly going to get “bumpy” in this NEW season as we are in this FINAL generation …and a lot of trials are going to come up in the world, related to the End-times …making the trials in our lives more extreme, more frequent and more difficult to deal with!

We truly believe 2025 is going to be more challenging than 2024!

Even Creation waits and cries out as we see in Romans 18:19 for Christ’s return, the Angels …and those believers that have gone before us, ALL wait for the Lord to straighten out the mess that we have made. What do we do? What can we do other than cry out with nature and the world for the return of the Lord? We can also cry out for the state of affairs that our world is in, just as Lot did in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. How encouraging and how enlightening to know that the world feels and knows that we are NOT living life the way life was made to be lived …and that they, the creation, also cry out for a hope yet to come in anticipation for what they know is going to happen when Christ comes in the clouds for those He loves – His Bride – the true Church of believers! The earth is defiled by its people; they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes and broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt.”- Isaiah 24:5-6.

Our world and everything in it cry out for Yeshua (Jesus) to return BUT do we believe it? And, can we see it, can we see the pain that our world is in, the creation? Let us long for the “Will of God” along with the Creation itself, and, let us long for “with our groans and desire” to see our Lord “coming in the clouds” for those He loves. It is okay since the very earth we walk on is doing it …why can’t we? In Luke 19:40 our Lord says; “I tell you if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." This verse appears after some Pharisees in the crowd tell Him to rebuke His Disciples. So, if even rocks would cry out, for Christ’s Return and come for them …how much more should we - God's people, honour and worship our King as He enters His City. Are we longing for things to be set right in our world and all of nature and in our life, life itself? Can we cry out with the stones the very dirt that we are made from and with a mighty – “Come Lord - come and rescue us from this bondage we are in.” Throughout Psalm 148, there’s numerous examples of created things praising their Creator …the sun, moon, stars, heavens, water, sky, animals, and people. Everyone and everything were created for the pleasure of our Lord.

Here's something very interesting… Some remarkable celestial signs will be on display in the coming months that may hold "Prophetic significance" for our world. This heavenly phenomenon includes three lunar events, two of which could represent a possible direct message about Israel. A total LUNAR eclipse - "blood moon" will appear visible over North and South America on 14 March, 2025. The moon will turn red for more than an hour and will fall directly on the Jewish holiday of PURIM. That's when the Jewish people celebrate the Biblical account of the Book of Esther when they were delivered from annihilation at the hands of an enemy named Haman in the Persian Empire, which is modern-day Iran.

That first lunar eclipse WILL be followed by two more blood moons one coming on 7 September, 2025, with an 82-minute "blood moon" that will be visible over Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. That's two weeks before the Jewish Biblical New Year Feast of Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), which is a time of prayer and repentance. AND, then the third one ALSO falling directly again on PURIM on 3 March, 2026 and will be visible for nearly 6-hours from Asia to parts of North America. Capping off the four MAJOR celestial signs over the next two years, after the three blood moons, there will be a total "solar eclipse," in August of 2026, visible across Europe and Russia.

Lunar Eclipses known as "blood moons" are tied to events that affect Israel… And with antisemitism spiking around the Globe, the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza, and the massive Middle East shifts that followed the 7 October, 2023 massacre in Israel …the two coming Purim blood moons could hold special significance!  A "blood moon" is a FULL lunar eclipse in which the moon can appear to be an eerie blood-red colour... Blood moons occur when Earth passes directly between the moon and the sun, preventing the sun from reflecting off the moon and casting a reddish shadow over it.  Blood moons portend significant events for Israel and the Middle East …and therefore the ENTIRE world. The Heavens are God's Bill-board and He has been sending signals to Earth, and we have NOT been paying enough attention.

Looking back - the last time a tetrad took place was from 2014-2015, and all four of those eclipses landed directly on Jewish holidays coming as the world endured the shocking and horrific rise of ISIS, the highly controversial Iran nuclear deal, and the previous Israeli war with Hamas. That TETRAD (4 blood-moons) began during Passover 2014. The final "blood moon" of that series took place in September of 2015 during the Feast of Tabernacles which marked God's provision and protection during the Israelites' 40 years in the wilderness.

Historically, blood moon tetrads have occurred during some truly world-changing events directly related to Israel... Three tetrads stand out over the last millennium, coinciding with MAJOR events for the Jewish people. They occurred from; 1493-1494, 1949-1950, and 1967-1968. In 1492, the Jews were expelled from Spain after severe persecution, and Christopher Columbus also discovered America, which would eventually become a safe haven for the Jewish people. In 1948, the modern state of Israel was reborn as a Nation in its original homeland, fulfilling a Biblical Prophecy; "For I will restore them to their own land which I gave to their fathers." - Jeremiah 16:15.

After 2,000 years, God supernaturally brought the Jews from 66 Nations, and a Nation was born in a day… and that again was a supernatural something that happened following the tragedy of the Holocaust." Finally, in 1967, Israel re-captured their Capital of Jerusalem during the 6-Day War …which many see as an essential precursor to the eventual construction of the coming Jewish 3rd-Temple! (The 2nd-Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD). In each of these "blood moons," you have something that begins in tragedy …and ends in triumph! 

Should our Lord tarry; Then the next "tetrad" of blood moons will then only occur in 2032–2033, exactly 2,000 years after the Death and Resurrection of Yeshua - Jesus Christ.  The last two in that tetrad will fall on Jewish Biblical Feasts; Passover on 14 April, 2033, and Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) on 8 October, 2033. A total Solar eclipse will occur in the middle of that RARE Tetrad on 30 March, 2033!  Blood moons are mentioned in multiple places in the Bible, including in the Book of Joel, the Book of the Acts and the Book of Revelation. Blood moons are foretold in Joel 2:31; "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come." The Apostle Peter repeats that Prophecy in Acts 2:20

Lunar and Solar eclipses have long been seen as "a sign" from God… Rabbis taught, when the SUN is in Eclipse it is a bad omen for Gentile Nations and when the MOON is in Eclipse, it is a bad omen for Israel, since Israel reckons by the moon and Gentiles by the sun! If it is in Eclipse in the East, it is a bad omen for those who dwell in the East …if in the West, it is a bad omen for those who dwell in the West …if in the midst of heaven, it is a bad omen for the WHOLE world." Then we read in the End Times Book of Revelation; "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood." – Revelation 6:12. All of these Scriptures refer to; "the moon turning blood red" …as "heavenly signs" …AND that the Last days are underway. In Luke 21:25-26 we see more "celestial End-time signs" - "And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near." 

We most sincerely believe that God WILL bless you for your faithfulness and love for His land and chosen people. God’s Word is true! He IS watching to see how the Nations are treating His people. God will have mercy on Israel through Gentile believers acting as mediators towards them. This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church – an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to Israel and the Jewish people! Israel was and still is despised today and a despised Nation continually turning away from God …BUT nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that Nation. The "despised element" is always a noticeable element in the purpose of God. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that "despised Nation" (and just like Israel) He Himself was "…despised and rejected by men." And there is that despised element; "…things that are despised God has chosen," - 1 Corinthians 1:28.

We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information.

With Shalom to you and your family always,

Alf & Julie Saunders

01st February, 2025

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