Separating the SHEEP from the GOATS!

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Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel,

“Separating the sheep from the goats”Have you ever heard the saying? Do you know that this phrase is derived from God’s Holy Scripture, the Bible? Yeshua (Jesus) spoke of dividing the sheep from the goats in His parable… as he described the “end of this age!” He stated that a day would come when He would sit on His throne and… gather all the nations before Him. And on that day He would then… separate the nations just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. This account is found in Matthew 25. This segment of the Bible portrays the final portion of Christ’s reply to a few of His disciples when they approached Him with certain questions while He was sitting on the Mount of Olives. The “Mount of Olives” is a place on the four hills east of Jerusalem that form a ridge running in a north-south direction… but refers only to the central pair of these hills directly east of the Temple Mount and with an elevation of 2,723 feet, approximately 173 feet above Jerusalem proper. 

It is important to take note of the “location” where the Lord was telling His disciples this parable… The Mount of Olives is named in connection with David’s flight from Absalom (2 Samuel 15:30) and in Zechariah 14:4… which speaks of the Lord’s coming when the Mount will split from East to West. It was also referred to as a stage in the departure of God’s presence from Jerusalem in Ezekiel’s day (Ezekiel 11:23). In the New Testament it is mentioned as the favourite place of our Lord as He withdrew from Jerusalem. It was the start of His triumphal entry (Matthew 21:1); scene of His weeping over Jerusalem (Luke 19:37-41); His “end-time” instruction (Matthew 24 - 25); His agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:30); His ascension (Acts 1:9-12)… And this is also the Mount of His return (Acts 1:11; Zechariah 14:4).

Here on the Mount of Olives Yeshua (Jesus) was bringing His final sermon of the gospel of Matthew to a close. As He brings it to a close, He takes a moment to remind the apostles of what He had told them. He reminds them that “a time of tribulation” is coming. This would be a time when they would see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place. The same abomination of desolation that Daniel the prophet warned about.

Yeshua (Jesus) reminds them that they are to flee to the mountains of Judea because this will be a persecution such as has never been nor shall ever be again. This persecution is mentioned in the books of Daniel, Joel, Mark, and Matthew. These words are in reference to the great persecution of the Jewish people... We must remember that Yeshua came to His own people, the Jews, and they collectively did not receive Him. As Yeshua concludes this sermon, He is once again pointing them to the “end of the age – when the Son of Man will come and sit on His throne.” He tells them what will happen in that day. This is a very important passage that must be understood in its proper context… Without the proper context, the true interpretation can be easily lost. So let’s look at… Matthew 25:31 – 32; “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. 


With this passage, Yeshua is referring to the job of a shepherd… When a shepherd would take the sheep out to pasture, the goats would often go with them! The job of the shepherd was to make sure that they remain separate. With this comparison, Yeshua (Jesus) is speaking here of “a time of reward… a time of judgment.” When the Son of Man returns to earth and sits on His glorious throne, the nations must be judged according to how they have treated His people, the Jews. For years we have heard the following Scripture being preached. And, humbly admit that, we in fact ourselves have quoted the passage of: Matthew 25: 31 – 46 without complete understanding to whom Yeshua (Jesus) was actually referring to.

Now who are the “Sheep” and who are the “Goats” that Yeshua (Jesus) was going to separate?

One distinct difference between the goats and the sheep is that… goats wander off and like to do their own thing whereas the sheep even though they need more care follow their shepherd. The “Sheep” follow Yeshua (Jesus) and the “goats” do not! The “sheep” know that Israel has NOT been replaced and that God is watching over Israel!

And, the “sheep” believe that Israel is still the “apple of God's eye.” The Prophet tells us in Zechariah 2:8 that the Jews are the “Apple of His Eye,” …meaning;  the most delicate and touchy spot on His body. And we don't dare to poke Him in the apple… the most delicate part of the eye that feels the most pain! The “sheep” are aware that God has promised to… “Bless those who bless Israel, and to curse those who curse Israel” and that God’s covenant with the Jewish nation is eternal and ever lasting.

Now as we go back to Matthew 25, Yeshua (Jesus) sits on His glorious throne with all the nations gathered before Him… And as they are gathered before Him, verse 33 says: “And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.” The right-hand side of a throne is the side of power. Verse 34 goes on to read; “Then the King will say to those on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.’”


The prophet Joel thunders a message for our time… “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, I will also gather all nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there on account of My people, My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land...Proclaim this among the nations: ‘Prepare for war! Wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near, let them come up…Let the nations be wakened, and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat; for there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations… Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will diminish their brightness. The LORD also will roar from Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem; the heavens and earth will shake; but the LORD will be a shelter for His people, and the strength of the children of Israel. So you shall know that I am the LORD your God, dwelling in Zion My holy mountain…” Joel 3:1-2, 9, 12, 14 – 17

The valley of Jehoshaphatruns between the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This is the same as the Kidron valley.

Yeshua (Jesus) is going to sit here someday and judge the nations when He returns to earth at the end of the Great Tribulation. This is known as the valley where God will judge!

The name “Jehoshaphat”… has a literal meaning in Hebrew. It means God will judge. The word translated “judge” in Hebrew is shofat.  The word also means to administer justice, pass sentence, punish, rule, or consider. Judgment is from the same root word: shfetah. The first part of the word Jehoshaphat in Hebrew is Yod-He-Vav (YHV) which is part of God’s name, (YHVH) often pronounced Yahweh. There was also a king of Judah called Jehoshaphat.

This is a very helpful Scripture because it identifies the timing of the events as being the time “when I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem.” We are living in the times when the captives of Judah and Jerusalem are returning to their ancient homeland (v. 1).

The Bible is clear that God is a God of mercy and a God of justice… In our opinion Exodus 34:6-7 is one of the most important passages of Scripture in the Bible. It is here that God defines Himself and His character to Moses. Jewish sages call this the 13 Attributes of God’s Mercy. One of the things we love most about God is that He is utterly consistent… what He says He will do, He does. We see this in the amazing manner in which biblical prophecies for the nation and people of Israel are being literally fulfilled, especially in the last 100 years. Living in Israel, we see evidence of His faithful promise-keeping nature everywhere as Jewish immigrants from the nations are our neighbours and friends. Hebrew is spoken with a multitude of accents as the people of “the Bible” have come home just like the Bible foretold centuries ago that they would. It is always so easy to look at the positive side of God’s promise keeping… but there are also the His judgment predictions, which God also faithfully fulfils!

God has judged nations throughout history… The Bible has many accounts of nations or cities that were judged by God. Here are a few incidents:

Sodom and GomorrahGod was so incensed at the behaviour of the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah that He utterly destroyed the cities and all but four of their residents by raining down fire and brimstone upon them. They were judged for their perversion and depravity. They were also judged for how they treated visitors. (Leviticus 19:33 -34)

The nation of Egypt… was judged for their treatment of the children of Israel. Each year at Passover, the people of Israel remember the time of their slavery in Egypt and the deliverance of God.

The ten plagues that God brought against ancient Egypt resulted in unprecedented destruction to the country. They were judged for enslaving the Jewish people, killing Jewish baby boys, and for their cruelty to the people of Israel. They were judged and severely punished; however, they were not totally destroyed. (Exodus) There are many references in the Bible to Egypt in subsequent time periods… some of which are still to be fulfilled!

Assyriathe prophets, including Jonah and Nahum, prophesied against the Assyrian city of Nineveh. The Assyrian Empire was known for its cruelty. We are all familiar with the story of Jonah and the big fish. This amazing story shows God’s character traits including both… judgment and mercy! We can understand why Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh! He was well aware of the heinous deeds of the Assyrians. Their interaction with Israel was studded with painful incidents… in fact the 10 northern tribes were eventually taken into captivity by Assyria. Jonah must have been glad that God was judging the Assyrians. At the same time he understood the character of God (Jonah 4:2). Notice the similarity to Exodus 34:6 – 7. And in fact, the people of Nineveh in that generation did repent and God delayed His judgment. The prophet Zephaniah says: “And He will stretch out His hand against the north, destroy Assyria, and make Nineveh desolation, as dry as the wilderness” (Zephaniah 2:13).

In 612 BC, Nineveh was completely destroyed… razed to the ground. All that remains of that once great city are a few mounds of dirt in what is now Iraq.

This curse may be observed by looking at those nations who came against the Jews. They were totally eradicated. Prophecies describe the fate of those today that are killing Jews and trying to destroy Israel. The fate of the Arab nations is vividly described in Amos 1 …and in other places. God loves the Muslim people very much. They need to choose Yeshua (Jesus) who teaches love, not death. There awaits a fate for those who hate Israel. Looking into the past, there is no more Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonia, Persian, Greek or Roman Empire. And in recent years, the British Empire has collapsed. During the British Mandate, the Brits armed the Arabs, prevented the Jews from arming, and prevented ships carrying Holocaust victims from landing in Israel. Today the British Empire is a shadow of what it once was.

God’s character is one of mercy and justice... He is long suffering and desires for all men and nations to come to repentance. Remember, God did not destroy wicked Nineveh when they donned sackcloth and ashes and truly repented. There is still time for nations to repent of their attitudes toward Israel God, the One who does what He says He will, in His justice judged these and other nations and cities throughout the Bible.

There were many reasons why nations were judged. They were judged for their cruelty, immoral behaviour, and idolatry… And they were judged for how they treated Israel and the Jewish people.

We read in the book of Esther that God placed the judgment of death on a man called Haman because he tried to destroy the Jewish people. This is the judgment of God for leaders of wicked nations. He destroys them. God is a God of judgment as well as a God of love. Those who won’t accept His love will face His judgment. God loves Israel so much and upheld them to the extent that in one battle the sun stood still and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. (Joshua 10:13 – 14)

Are we nearing the time when God will judge the nations…?

Certainly that is a real possibility and from many of the signs we see, judgment may be in the near future. We confess that we don’t understand how God reckons time! It is, however, very clear from this passage (v. 2) that God is unhappy about two issues: (1) Scattering His people, the Jewish people… And (2) for dividing His Land!


Neither Israel NOR any other nation has the right or power to decide the fate of God’s covenant land… and the world has already (although without knowing) seen the enormous price resulting when one touches the “apple of His eye!” The world is about to collide with God Himself! God is serious about the land and His covenant…the Lord is using Israel as the anvil and will literally destroy the nations that come against Jerusalem. And, yes, the Bible said it would come down to this, and that the nations will be drawn to Jerusalem as a moth to a light! The Lord’s fury is building against those who would defy His Word and His Commandments, where Israel is concerned and especially Jerusalem!

Stronger still the Lord says, “Let all those who hate Zion be put to shame and turned back. Let them be as the grass on the housetops, which withers before it grows up, with which the reaper does not fill his hand, nor he who binds the sheaves his arms.” (Psalm 129: 5 – 7)

God is using the rebirth of Israel to cut right through false and incorrect views of His Word… The promise of God in the Bible is crystal clear on page after page and many have tried through the centuries to change it to fit in or alter His Covenant with Israel but in the latter days God has made the truth clear for all to see. God is serious about His Word (Jeremiah 1:12). God is moving to fulfill His Word yet millions can’t see it because of wrong doctrines about Israel and Jerusalem. The very sad part is that believers in Jesus Christ can actually go against the work of God. This is very serious, to be on the wrong side of God defending His Word and becoming apathetic towards Israel. This can lead to failure to pray for and support Israel in this very time of crisis… and at the same time miss out on God’s blessing!

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Some will be sheep nations destined for blessing … and some will be goat nations destined for judgment…! The results will be seen… some will be for and some against! Today the nations are on dangerous ground. There are judgments, which are prophesied in the Bible, that have not yet occurred. Some concern individual nations or cities like the prophecy in Isaiah 17 that speaks of Damascus, an ancient city that endures to the present day in Syria. "Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city, and it will be a ruinous heap" (Isaiah 17:1). This has not occurred to date. There are also several passages, which speak about the nations being judged by God.

Yeshua (Jesus) will judge the nations that have either treated the Jews with… care and kindness or mistreated them... Remember what God said to Abraham in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." Much of the Christian Church does not recognize the fact that Jesus was of the tribe of Judah, He was of the house of David, and Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew, an Israelite. He came to His own and His own did not receive Him… but yet He did not reject His own! During the final time of Tribulation, a time that the world has never seen there will be… the dividing of the sheep and the goats according to whether they have honoured God’s Word and blessed the Jews.

We have seen the persecution of the Jews throughout history. It happened during the Crusades, the Russian Pogroms, and Hitler’s Holocaust. During these times, there were Gentiles who risked their own lives and well-being to help the Jewish people. They fed them, hid them, protected them, clothed them, and went to see them in prison. Those righteous Gentiles serve as a picture for us of the sheep that will be placed on the right when Jesus Christ comes and sits on His glorious throne and divides the nations. The people who have treated the Jews right will receive the gift of eternal life and those that have not will go into eternal damnation by way of the lake of fire.

Tony Campolo tells a true story of a Jewish boy who suffered under the Nazis in World War II… He was living in a small Polish village when he and all the other Jews of the vicinity were rounded up by Nazi SS troops and sentenced to death. This Jewish boy joined his neighbours in digging a shallow ditch for their graves, and then faced the firing squad with his parents. Sprayed with machine-gun fire, bodies fell into the ditch and the Nazis covered the crumpled bodies with dirt. But, none of the bullets hit the little boy. He was splattered with the blood of his parents, and when they fell into the ditch, he pretended to be dead and fell on top of them. Several hours later, when darkness fell, he clawed his way out of the grave. With blood and dirt caked on his little body, he made his way to the nearest house and begged for help. Recognizing him as one of the Jewish boys marked for death, he was turned away from house after house as people feared getting into trouble with the SS troops.Then something inside this Jewish boy seemed to guide him to say something that was very strange for a Jew to say. When the next family responded to his timid knocking in the still of the night, they heard him cry… "Don’t you recognize me? I am the Jesus you say you love." After a poignant pause, the woman who stood in the doorway swept him into her arms and kissed him. From that day on, the members of that family loved and cared for that Jewish boy as though he were one of their own. "I am the Jesus you say you love!" That little Jewish boy was more correct than you might imagine… Matthew 25:40 tells us that one day the Great King and Judge of all the earth will say to people such as that kind hearted Christian lady, "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me."

Today there is no more venomous spirit than the spirit of anti-Semitism, really the spirit of the Antichrist. Many news talking-heads deny Israel the right to self-defence. We have a United Nations that would rather drink a poisonous potion then condemn a terrorist… yet they condemn Israel again and again. The bottom line is that the Muslims want Israel’s covenant land and want to destroy the Jews in the process! God isn’t happy about that!

History records that no nation or race has ever persecuted Israel or the Jews and escaped the wrath of God...! That Israel has deserved its own punishment is prophetically declared by the prophets… but it is God Himself that brings punishment to His earthly people, not others. The more our nation, South Africa, blesses Israel the more God will bless us!

Some people wonder why we bless Israel so much… or why we should go there as they say that the Jews will NOT believe in Jesus Christ as Messiah… or why we are even concerned about Israel’s welfare? Our response is always the same… we are all called to bless the Lord’s "brethren"… and should the Jews suddenly all become Christians today then… the Bible would NOT be true! Why? Although there are many Messianic Jews (believing in Yeshua (Jesus) as Messiah) the Bible tells us that the salvation of Israel; nationally and spiritually will NOT come until "the time of Jacob’s trouble" or the "Tribulation" Jeremiah 30:7 and Zechariah 12:10

Paul too described the "Tribulation" as "Birth Pains." First Thessalonians 5:3 says… "…For when they shall say, Peace and safety! Then sudden destruction comes on them, as travail upon a woman with child. And they shall not escape." This event follows the Rapture and the removal of the church, in 4:13–18. And in 5:9 Paul reemphasizes the absence of the Church by saying…"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ." The wrath spoken of here is God’s judgement on the unbelieving world and the discipline of Israel during the Tribulation.

Indeed, that day will come that Yeshua prophesied about in Luke 13: 34- 35 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing! See! Your house is left to you desolate; and assuredly, I say to you, you shall not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"’

This is very "prophetic" as the Lord said… He would not return until the time comes that they (the Jews) say; "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" That is why it is also so important for Christians to reach out to Jewish people with a love that will make them jealous… And when the Jewish people as a whole finally do bless their Messiah, they will enter into His promised blessings, along with the "sheep people" who had heeded Yeshua’s command to bless His Jewish brethren… even before that great day of their national awakening. The goat people, however, will experience His cursing for failing to do so, and even for failing to do nothing at all!

Who are the Lord’s "brethren?" We believe that when Yeshua refers to… "My brethren" in this context of judging the nations… He is speaking of the Jewish people. As far as our research has gone, we see no place that Yeshua referred to any other people as "brethren." While He certainly loves all peoples - His Word is flawless… and nations will be judged for how they treat the nation and people of Israel. We are not alone in this opinion. Most of the Bible commentaries we checked agree with this interpretation. This in no way means that we shouldn’t also care for the needs of others..!. But, certainly believe we would be foolish NOT to recognize that God cares deeply for Israel and will judge those who come against them, scatter the people, divide the land, and don’t show love and compassion to the Jewish people when they are in distress. Mistreating the brethren Jews is the same as mistreating Yeshua (Jesus). God has already judged nations and kingdoms for this. Under Pharaoh, the Israelites were in great bondage; and God mercifully raised up Moses to deliver them.

And as we look at Matthew 25:31 - 46 ...we see that all believers no matter what their calling, have a responsibility to love and support the Jewish people, Yeshua’ (Jesus)’ "brethren." And we also see how serious this matter is: That anyone who ignores this responsibility is taking a great risk. For God will judge severely those who do not love the people whom God loves with a special love… the apple of His eye and His treasured possession.

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Many in the church have learned to tolerate the Jewish people, as they have learned to be "politically correct" and tolerate just about anything and anybody… but they will not lift a finger to help the Jewish people in their time of need. It may not be a sin of commission, but it is certainly a sin of omission… "Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me." And the judgment for the sin of omission is just as severe: "He will also say to those on the left hand, Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

Only through the Jews did wisdom come into the world…

"The law came by Moses but grace and truth by Messiah Jesus." (John 1.17) In effect, the Jews brought us God, up close and personal! All a Christian needs to do is to open the Bible and God can speak into his life something personal and up-to-date wrapped in a package of historical accuracy. Only through the Bible can one look backwards into time and forwards into the future, sometimes simultaneously. Christians need to know that they owe their very existence to the Jews including their salvation, their abundant life, and their eternal life. We must always remember to pray for the Jews and for Israel and to bless them spiritually and materially.

So how will we respond to the need of Yeshua’s brethren in these last days? Besides defending the Jewish people, we already have an opportunity, as believers, to help the "least of Yeshua’s brethren," the poor. Now many people think of Jewish people as being rich. But there are large pockets of poverty. A news item came out recently, saying that Jerusalem leads the State of Israel in the number of poor families. We trust that we will be found faithful and love His brothers…and one day we be among those one His right hand who hear the King say… "Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me!"

And, loving Israel in this way is important…? Yes! This practical love of Christians will provoke the ‘jealousy’ (Romans 10:19; 11:11; 11:14), and one day the Jewish people will receive Yeshua (Jesus) as a result of this practical testimony. And, these acts of generosity should be a natural outgrowth of our debt of gratitude for what Israel has given us and will give us in the future when we together with the Lord’s brethren share in the blessings of the kingdom. Speaking of the future, the good works we do on behalf of the Jewish people will be remembered by the Lord… not even that cup of cold water will be forgotten!

God has clearly set up a sort of a "wall," or a "line in the sand" as a test from the beginning… The Jewish Test! The Nazis didn't listen when they killed six million Jews and it’s estimated that twenty million Germans lost their lives in World War II. The Pharaoh of Egypt didn't listen… so he lost his life chasing the Hebrews in the Red Sea. Pharaoh tried to kill Jewish babies and so he watched as all Egypt's first born sons were killed. History is filled with these real tests of what happened to people who mistreated the Jews. Spain became a second rate power immediately after expelling the Jews and similar things happened to Britain… it was once said that, "the sun never sets on the British Empire!"  Look what happened several times to Arab countries who connived to attack Israel in the last century. America won its War of Independence due to a great contribution from the 30 million dollars the Jews in Philadelphia raised by selling their own personal property, at the request of George Washington, in a crucial turning point, in 1777.

Joel 3:2 the prophet speaks of a time when the Lord will restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem and gather the nations together in the Valley of Jehoshaphat to hold them accountable for the way they've treated His people. Joel's prophecy is a reference to the Sheep and Goat judgment that Matthew also spoke of in Matthew 25:32

Yeshua (Jesus) was a Jew... and His entire ministry was to save the lost sheep of Israel. Only after Israel "nationally" rejected their time of visitation (Messiah) did God's blessings also go to those Gentiles who accepted the Messiah. Yet, Israel is not and cannot be forgotten by God! The Goats curse Israel and God's chosen people, the Jews and seek to hurt them… and do not act like sheep. Former President Richard Nixon once remarked that Israel could never give into the Arab demands to establish a Palestinian sovereign state within Israel… for that would be tantamount to living with the tip of a sharp sword just an inch from her heart! Today we see how the US, UN, European nations and other nations are joining forces together and continue their "rabid" concept of the Palestinians actually getting a state! The battle lines are drawn for Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, without which the security and sovereignty of Israel is at an extreme risk. Israel cannot defend Jerusalem if she surrenders Judea and Samaria as a territorial sacrifice for the sake of the world "peace." Judea and Samaria (co-called West bank) is the "heart" of Israel… and Jerusalem the "soul!" If the "heart" is removed… what will happen to the "soul?"

Jerusalem has been the physical and spiritual capital of the Jewish people for 3000 years. There's always been a strong Jewish presence and a continuous Jewish presence since 1267. Jews were the majority of the population in Jerusalem since 1850. At the same time, enemies of Israel are being shipped the most advanced American weaponry that even America’s NATO allies have not yet received. Again, Jews and pro-Israel Christians are being deceived… and Israel's survival is at risk.

Israel was and is despised today… and a despisable nation continually turning away from God but nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that nation. The despised element is always a noticeable element in the purpose of God. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that despised nation; like IsraelHe Himself was "despised and rejected by men," …and there is that despised element, "things that are despised God has chosen." It is interesting to note that even years after the rejection of Yeshua by the majority of the Jewish people that Yeshua’s disciples still refer to Jewish unbelievers as "their brethren." In Peter’s sermon on the Day of Pentecost he refers to his audience in Jerusalem as; "men and brethren…" (Acts 2: 29) Stephen, who is about to be stoned, still regarded his unbelieving Jewish compatriots as "his brethren" in Acts 6: 15 – 7: 2). Even years later, Paul speaks to Jewish unbelievers as his brethren in Acts 13: 38, when he says, "" Therefore let it be known to you, brethren…" So we see that it was common for unbelieving Jews, even Jews hostile to the gospel, still to be referred to as "brethren." Now more than at any time we need to support Israel and the Jewish people… the Lord’s Brethren!

We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information. With Shalom to you and your family always,

Alf & Julie Saunders

15th September, 2013

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