The Belt of TRUTH!

Shalom Partner and Friend of Israel,

Our world today has declared that TRUTH is dead…Yes, people value truth and agree that it is better to tell the truth than to lie …unless it benefits the person hearing it …or the person telling it or even a third person such as government, legal defence, community or even an election. However, the capital “T” in “Truth” has met its death around the same time that people began to declare that God is dead! Today, we live in a time where “what is TRUE to you may not be TRUE to me” …and “TRUTH” is whatever makes one happy! Like all of Satan’s other great deception many are in fact deceived by his great untruths. Satan hates God and will infiltrate lies where ever he can even in the Church if we are not awake to his deception in these Last Days.

Is it possible we are the generation currently witnessing this turning away from God’s TRUTH that the Holy Spirit predicted nearly 2,000 years ago? Are we seeing in our own day an accommodating attitude toward the world’s view that produces a brand of anti-Christianity and anti-Israel that melts into the environment around it? The rise of a Globalists “one-world-religion” where everything that is anti-God’s Word (the Bible), anti-God YHVH and even accepts LGBT Churches? The Apostle Paul forecasted that a time would come when a “deception” would occur even inside the Church …in the period just before Christ returns. Again, the Holy Spirit did NOT tell us this to scare us …but to prepare us, lest we fall into this trap ourselves. It is time for us to dig our heels deep into the TRUTH of God’s Word, refuse to budge from its life-transforming truths, and do all we can to teach and proclaim TRUTH to those around us! 

Paul wrote that an erring End-time group would discard fixed Biblical TRUTH and replace it with “lies and inferred to what this group of Last Days would resemble; “You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. For people will love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. They will be unloving and unforgiving; they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good.  They will betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God.  They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!” – 2 Timothy 3:1-5. We are told to stay away from these! “Stand therefore, having girded your waist with TRUTH…” - Ephesians 6:14. The “Belt of Truth is the first piece of the “FULL “Armour of God!” It signifies the foundational importance of TRUTH in our “spiritual journey” and “warfare” (Ephesians 6:10-17). This passage begins with the admonition from the Apostle Paul to “…be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.”

The” BELT of TRUTH” is the KEY to understanding the “Armour of God.” All the pieces of the armour belong to God and come from Him. Truth, righteousness, the Gospel, faith, and salvation …ALL are gifts of God to His people for their defence …all except “the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God” - Ephesians 6:17 - are defensive in nature. All are designed to help us “stand against the schemes of the devil” (Ephesians 6:11). The “belt of truth” is the first part of the armour listed …because, without truth we are lost, and the schemes of the devil will surely overpower us. Without TRUTH, the rest of the armour would be of NO use to us because we would not have the “Spirit of truth” (John 15:26).

The Bible is the only TRUE Word of God and its His message to the world! This message would be tangible and an objective communication to His Creation …filled with everything YHVH Yahweh God wanted them to know about Himself, about Creation, Salvation, and about themselves too …and lastly about what would take place in the End-times! Can we even imagine God choosing 40 different Authors …from 3 different continents …writing in 3 different languages over 1,500-year time span …merely to bring us (our generation) a message thousands of years later? Even Yeshua (Jesus) in prayer asked Abba Father to “…sanctify them by Your truth. Your Word is TRUTH!” – John 17:17. Earlier Yeshua said of Himself; “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – John 14:6. Christ did NOT say that He is “a truth” …but that He IS “the truth!” So, we can be sure that our God is “TRUTH.” All truth begins with Him and is based upon Him. God gave us His Word the Bible so that we could know the TRUTH, the meaning of life and our purpose on the earth …and yes, we can also know His Prophetic plans for the future of the world (Isaiah 46:9-10) and that there waits for us Eternal life as believers with Him as our “KING of kings and LORD of lords!

There is a desire built in each one of us to know what the future holds… As believers we MUST look to Almighty God and His Word unlike unbelievers who will go to psychics, astrologers, witch doctors, palm and tarot readers etc. What is true for our Last Days generation desire for knowledge was also true in our Yeshua’s (Jesus Christ) day. In the Gospel of Matthew, the Lord’s Disciples 2,000-years ago made known their desire for what was in store for the world in the Last Days; “Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your Coming, and of the END of the age?’” – Matthew 24:3. Our Lord had just finished telling the Disciples about the coming destruction of the (2nd) Temple (and it did happen in 70AD) so understandably they were concerned …and so He knew their troubled hearts and desire to understand what lies ahead for the future Last Days.

And so, we read in Matthew 24:4-8 what would take place before our Lord’s Return; Famines, pestilences, and earthquakes that will occur in various places and are the beginning of sorrowsWars and rumours of war; nations will rise against nations, and kingdoms against kingdoms; Persecution of Church - Christ's followers is one of the signs of the End-times; deception and lawlessnessThese are ALL "signs" of the Last Days

The Apostle Paul wrote about the BELT of TRUTH in the Book of Ephesians while in prison… and described it as one part of the "armour of God" that ALL believers must put on "to fight spiritual battles" after accepting Christ as their Lord and Saviour. 

The BELT of TRUTH is a piece of "Spiritual armour" in the Bible that represents the importance of TRUTH in the End- times! A symbol of readiness; In the Bible, soldiers would put on their BELT first and loosen it only when they were off duty. Similarly, wearing the "belt of TRUTH" signifies that a believer in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is ready for battle against Satan and deception! A protection against lies; The "belt of TRUTH" protects us from the enemy's lies by keeping them centred on the TRUTH of God! A support for the Word of God; The "belt of truth" supports the "scabbard" (a sheath for the blade of a gun, sword or dagger, typically made of leather or metal) that holds the sword of the "Word of God." 

A way to follow God; The "belt of truth" helps us stay on the right path and follow God! A way to be truthful; The "belt of TRUTH represents being truthful in one's inner being, like God. 

2,000-Years ago… The BELT of a Roman soldier in Paul’s day was not a simple leather strap such as we wear today. It was a thick, heavy leather and metal band with a protective piece hanging down from the front of it. The ‘belt" held the soldier’s sword and other weapons. The "belt of truth" of the "spiritual armour" holds the "sword of the Spirit," linking TRUTH and the Word of God (John17:17). The Word of God is truth! The "belt of truth" is a crucial piece of defensive armour guarding our inmost being in the battle against the lies and deceptions of the enemy. Without an understanding of truth, we are left vulnerable to being; "carried about by every wind of doctrine and by the trickery of the godless Politicians, World Leaders, Elites, craftiness in deceitful scheming’s!" The "belt of truth" and desire for TRUTH protects us and prepares us for the battle that lies ahead especially in these Last Days.

We must recognize that "warfare" is taking place on two levels at the same time; in the Spiritual Realm and in the Physical RealmWe are now into a New Year 2025 (5785) we must brace for a season of "intense warfare" BUT also to rise in FAITH, equipped with God’s Promises! "Timothy, my son, I am giving you this command in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by recalling them you may fight the battle well." - 1 Timothy 1:18. In this verse, Paul commands Timothy to "fight the good fight" in military terms. A Roman soldier’s belt was typically wide, worn on the outside of their tunic, and served multiple purposes. First of all, when necessary, a soldier could tuck his long tunic into his belt for ease of movement during hand-to-hand combat or if he needed to run.

Actually, God told the Israelites to do this exact thing on the eve of their escape from Egypt. They were to eat the Passover meal with their "belt fastened" (Exodus 12:11). Some translations say they were to eat with their "loins girded," meaning they were; tucked, prepared, and ready to run. Second, a Roman soldier's belt provided "core support." Since a soldier carried more equipment than most, the belt helped him remain; upright, stable, and strong while on his feet all day. Third, his belt doubled as "a tool belt," giving the soldier a place to sheath his weapons.

What good is a soldier whose hands are full? The point is, a soldier did NOT leave home without his belt. It wasn't an optional piece of attire like it is for many today. A soldier's belt occupied the centre stage of his uniform …which is why Paul attached the believer's "equipping of TRUTH" - to the soldier's belt! "Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth." Or, as the King James version says, "Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth." – Ephesians 6:14.

The Apostle Paul emphasizes that Prophetic words are tools for “spiritual battle,” declaring, that God has given us everything we need to walk in victory in 2025. We must be prepared and NOT afraid! We the true believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are anointed for this moment, born for “a time such as this” and so there’s NO reason to be fearful, NO reason to be scared, BUT to be prepared for the hour we’re living in.

So, why then does Paul begin his description of our “spiritual armour” with the “belt of TRUTH?” Because TRUTH is at the core of EVERYTHING we do, say and believe. It's the truth that keeps us upright, sets us free, and allows us ease of movement in this life, while at the same time offering us core support! Truth is essential for the believer. It acts as “an anchor” or “security guard” …and keeps us from being "tossed to and FRO” by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes" (Ephesians 4:14). 

But what is truth? Pilate asked that question on the eve of the Lord’s Crucifixion, NOT realizing that He was in fact talking to Truth Himself. Christ told the disciples; "I am the way, and the TRUTH, and the life." – John 14.6. And as we read in, John 1:14; "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and TRUTH." Then further states, "For the law was given through Moses; grace and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ." – John 1:17. And in John 17:17, Christ asked the Father to; "…Sanctify them in the truth; Your Word is TRUTH." Christ is the Word, and the Word of God is truth! "This God, His way is perfect; the Word of the LORD proves true." – 2 Samuel 22:31. Therefore, we believers MUST test everything the world throws at us against the Bible. Does it fit with God’s Word – the Bible? If not, we toss it, standing firm on the truth!

Our fight is in the unseen Spiritual Realm as well… In a world filled with FEAR we choose JOY over fear! This is not a time to fear, moan, or cry, but a time to rejoice, for God is strategically at work, even in ways we do not see, because God will triumphantly lead His people forward and carry out His plans for this End-time Age.

As believers we must be mentally and spiritually ready for the battle. God reminds us that we are NOT alone, saying, “With the grace of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, the promises of God’s Word and the weaponry He has given, we can move forward step by step and face every adversary in these Last Days. As the world grows darker and more chaotic, it's more important than ever to understand the enemy we face. Satan is a cunning deceiver, capable of twisting “truth” into lies and leading even the most devout believers astray. Satan is the god of this world BUT he is NOT God!

God did NOT create SATAN – He was a good Angel who later became Satan, the Devil (Ezekiel 28:12-15) … In Hosea 4:6, God says His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge! God tells us about Satan and his wicked deeds from; Genesis to Revelation. God saw that everything He had made was very good (Genesis 1:31). That includes Satan and the other fallen angels because they, like us, are created beings. Satan and the fallen angels didn’t magically appear and they didn’t create themselves. Nor did God create them the way they are now (corrupt and evil). That happened through the choices they made! They rebelled against Almighty God (Ezekiel 28:12-17). Ezekiel 28 tells us about Satan’s beginning; who he was, what he was created for, and how he was anointed!

Satan wanted to be God and that led to his fall; “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart; ‘I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most-High.’ Yet, you shall be brought down to Scheol, to the lowest depths of the pit. Those who see you will gaze at you, and consider you saying; ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, who made the world as a wilderness and destroyed its cities, who did not open the house of his prisoners!’” – Isaiah 14:12-17.

Instead of turning to God for direction and guidance, Satan (Lucifer) thought that he NO longer needed God’s permission! Satan assumed he should be allowed to make his own decisions …such as when to come and go and to do whatever as he so wished. Satan convinced himself he deserved to be the ruler of God’s Creation - instead of God. Satan in his heart, thought he had superseded God’s power and authority and deserved to sit in authority (the judgment seat) and thought he was so amazing that every living thing would worship and praise him instead of God! When Lucifer fell from his position in heaven, he was joined by 1/3 of the angels. In the Bible,

Satan is called "the god of this Age" in 2 Corinthians 4:4. This title refers to Satan's power and influence over the world, and the fact that he is the supreme example of EVIL …and his influence is seen in the world's philosophies, education, and commerce. He is the major influence on people's ideals, opinions, goals (1 John 5:19; Revelation 12:9) and especially those who are NOT rooted in the Word of God – the Bible (2 Corinthians 4:4).  Satan controls the (so-called) Elites, World Leaders, Politicians, WEF, UN, etc., and he is the ruler of those who willingly (or even unwillingly) submit to his lies and deceit. He is called the "prince of the power of the air" in Ephesians 2:2. Although Satan has some power and authority in the world, - he is NOT God. God has allowed Satan to operate within boundaries he has set!

Satan is NOT God’s equal…. Rather, we read in Scripture that; Satan is a finite, created being (Colossians 1:16). He was the first sinner (1 John 3:8; Revelation 12:7–9) and will one day be cast into the “lake of burning sulphur” for all Eternity (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:10; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude v. 6). Thus, as true believers in Yeshua (Jesus Christ) we need NOT FEAR “the god of this Age!” Simply because; “…the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” - 1 John 4:4.

Just as his name was changed from Lucifer to Satan, it appears the fallen angels became known as demons... These demons (fallen angels) do the bidding of their new master (Satan) to accomplish the purpose of drawing us away from God and to do this, they kill, steal, and destroy. Satan strives to steal our hopes and dreams, kill our relationships, and try to destroy our faith through issues with anxiety, health, marriage trouble, job loss, addictions, etc. These battles are designed to wear us down and ultimately cause us to doubt and pull away from God. We see the evidence of “spiritual warfarein the physical …but the real battle is happening in the “spiritual realm.” Ephesians 6:12 says we fight against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

Isaiah 11:5 describes the Messiah! It says; "Righteousness shall be the “belt of His waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins." FurthermoreIsaiah 59:17 says of the Lord; "He put on righteousness as a breastplate, and a helmet of salvation on his head." Do you see the similarity? The Apostle Paul was describing believers as God described Christ hundreds of years prior in the Book of Isaiah …because, as believers, we are clothed with Christ (Romans 13:14). It's NO accident the descriptions are similar! Yet there is one significant difference …we wear a “belt of TRUTH” …while Christ wears the “belt of RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Only in Christ can we be righteous, and that's the truth!

The only way we will stand firm in this mixed-up world is if we tuck every lie, every whim of; doctrine, racism, every cunning remark, antisemitism …and every arrow intended to berate and distract and detain us into the promises of God! 

"And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know Him who is TRUE; and we are in him who is TRUE, in His Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and Eternal Life." – 1 John 5:20.

The bottom line is this… We know the TRUTH if we know Yeshua – Jesus Christ. But if Christ is NOT the centre of our lives …then TRUTH is NOT at the centre of our lives. And, if the truth is not at our core …we will crumble! So, here's the big question; “Are we willing to allow God’s TRUTH to distinguish us believers - as the example of a “Roman soldier” allowing His BELT to distinguish Him in everything we do or say?” Or do we seek to hide the TRUTH from a godless world that has literally forsaken God? God desires that we expose the TRUTH by living according to the TRUTH. When all else fails, the truth is still true! We will remain upright when we live surrounded by the truth of God's Word!

Yet TRUTH isn't always fashionable especially in the times that we are living in…. Sometimes it can feel easier to believe a lie than it is the truth. But the TRUTH will never wear out or let us down. It fits every shape and size, rich or poor as God makes NO distinction between what we own or what we don’t own. Our hope comes from God only and it may not be the most comfortable thing to wear in certain situations …but it's essential in “spiritual warfare.” When we tuck the lies of the Satan inside our “belt of truth,” then we will NOT stumble in our walk with Christ.

Truth gives freedom… By planting our feet in TRUTH and abiding (or living) in it, we experience freedom. Think how much more effective our praying would be if we are no longer shackled by “fear” or “bound by bitterness?” Freedom leads to powerful prayer!  So, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” – John 8:31-32. Truth comes from the Lord. The Holy Spirit only speaks TRUTH. He speaks truth to us and causes us to speak truth. At times we may be faced with a situation where we had No idea how to pray? BUT as we strap on the Holy Spirit, we are filled with His TRUTH, and we will consequently pray truth. "But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you will also bear witness…” – John 15:26-27.

Truth from our Lord Yeshua - Jesus grows earnest, brotherly love for others… There’s NO better platform from which to pray for others. But since people sometimes struggle with one another, we also need to apply truth during conflict (1 Peter 1:22).

So, to give ourselves the core support we need to face these days by putting on our “spiritual belt of truth.” We can do this by starting every day in God's Word and Prayer - purposely placing the TRUTH of God’s Word in our hearts and minds …NO matter our circumstances. Then when the schemes Satan or the enemies of God try to invade our day, we are more likely to see them for what they are - merely garbage, intended to distract us from TRUTH. Yes, every believer has “a belt of truth!” BUT it's simply a matter of whether we're willing to wear it?

We most sincerely believe that God WILL bless you for your faithfulness and love for His land and chosen people. God’s Word is true! He IS watching to see how the Nations are treating His people. God will have mercy on Israel through Gentile believers acting as mediators towards them. This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church – an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to Israel and the Jewish people! Israel was and still is despised today and a despised Nation continually turning away from God …BUT nothing ever altered the purpose of God for that Nation. The "despised element" is always a noticeable element in the purpose of God. When the Saviour of the world came, He came of that "despised Nation" (and just like Israel) He Himself was "…despised and rejected by men." And there is that despised element; "…things that are despised God has chosen," - 1 Corinthians 1:28.

We hope that you enjoy and become more informed by our work. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information.

With Shalom to you and your family always,

Alf & Julie Saunders

01st February, 2025

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John Bunyan once said, "You have never lived successfully until you have done something for someone who can NEVER repay you!"

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